Henry has no trouble tackling projects in the kitchen that seem daunting to me. This is one of them! He had watched a video from Epic Meal Time’s Handle It series and told me about these about a year and a half ago. We made these while were living at my mother’s house during our Laguna house remodel and I…
Month: March 2015

Fish “en Papillote” with shallots and peppers
This turned out so good! I want to cook all my fish this way forever! I made major changes to the following recipe but I think this is a good recipe as is. I just didn’t have these things and used what I had on hand. The main thing to remember is how to cut the parchment, how to fold…

Best Banana Bread Ever!
I am always searching for a great banana bread and I think this one was my best ever! I had so many ripe bananas today I had no choice. These bananas were begging to be made into bread and it was a good thing I listened! So good! This is how I made it: I lined my loaf pans with…

Grandma Grace’s Chocolate Torte Royale
This is a TOP SECRET RECIPE!!! I feel anxious even posting this on the internet as this recipe is sacred to our family! But apparently this recipe is already on the internet and is equally special to a couple other families out there. This is a special dessert that my Grandma Grace discovered. She was a fabulous cook and I…

Best Buttermilk Pancake Recipe
I have been experimenting with buttermilk pancake recipes lately. What I realized it that most recipes don’t call for enough buttermilk. At least for me. This recipe turned out great! 1 cup flour 2 tsp baking powder 1 tsp baking soda 2 Tbs sugar 1/2 tsp salt 1 egg 2 cups buttermilk 1 tsp vanilla I mix the dry ingredients…

Oatmeal…Variations on a theme!
In these pictures I used the Swiss Muesli cereal cooked in milk. I can eat almost any variation of oatmeal! The Muesli makes a rich oatmeal. Below are other ideas and variations. I don’t know if cooked Grape Nuts cereal belongs in this post but we love that, too! This is one of my favorite breakfasts! – creamy cinnamon spiced…

Leftover Pasticada Barbecue Beef Sandwiches
After the Pasticada sat in the refrigerator for a day, the meat absorbed a lot of the sauce. It started to taste like a pulled pork or barbecue beef flavor with the sweet and sour nature of it. So I took what was left at that point and cooked it and shredded it into a barbecue beef mixture. It tasted…

“Trial & Error” Sweet Potato Fries – for breakfast!
My son Henry got a deep fryer for Christmas and we had some sweet potatoes laying around so we broke it out and went for it! It was a snow day and my son had the day off from school. We hadn’t had breakfast so what the heck! Well, we finally got it right on the fifth try! We…

Butternut Squash Soup with Cider Cream
This is a recipe I have made a few times. It makes the house smell like Thanksgiving! Although lately I can’t seem to recreate the soup I made the first time. I don’t know what I did differently about the recipe. I have a feeling it has to do with the quality of the chicken stock. I bought a brand…

Hamburgers at home
For my sons 16th birthday a few years ago I tried to recreate an In N Out burger for him from home. It turned out really good but tasted more like a 5 Guys burger. I also love Shake Shack burgers. This version is not the In N Out version because I was working with what I had. To make…