Category: Breakfast

Henry’s Cinnamon Orange Rolls

Sending Henry to some cooking classes has yeilded quite a few fun things recently.  I am going to have to ask Henry the details of this recipe as I can’t remember exactly how he made these but they were amazing!   Henry made his own yeasted dough to which he added some orange zest.  He made the filling with brown…

Rice Pudding with Maple Pecan Sauce

Let’s just keep the carbs coming!  I am actually trying to eat less carbs but keep making more.  This was sort of a necessity.  We ordered amazing Indian food from Bhatti Grill here in Manhattan and ate at home instead of going out on my birthday.  The food was great but as we packed up the leftovers into the refrigerator…

Soft Boiled Eggs with Toast Soldiers

Our whole family (minus 1) loves these soft boiled eggs.  My oldest daughter got the stomach flu on “Green Eggs and Ham Day” in Kindergarten and hasn’t eaten eggs since!  So sad!  I just got a new egg cooker which now makes 7 soft cooked eggs instead of four.   So here is our first experience with the new appliance! Steaming…

Best Banana Bread Ever!

I am always searching for a great banana bread and I think this one was my best ever!  I had so many ripe bananas today I had no choice.  These bananas were begging to be made into bread and it was a good thing I listened!  So good!  This is how I made it: I lined my loaf pans with…

Best Buttermilk Pancake Recipe

I have been experimenting with buttermilk pancake recipes lately.  What I realized it that most recipes don’t call for enough buttermilk.  At least for me.  This recipe turned out great! 1 cup flour 2 tsp baking powder 1 tsp baking soda 2 Tbs sugar 1/2 tsp salt 1 egg 2 cups buttermilk 1 tsp vanilla I mix the dry ingredients…

Oatmeal…Variations on a theme!

In these pictures I used the Swiss Muesli cereal cooked in milk.  I can eat almost any variation of oatmeal!  The Muesli makes a rich oatmeal.  Below are other ideas and variations.  I don’t know if cooked Grape Nuts cereal belongs in this post but we love that, too! This is one of my favorite breakfasts! – creamy cinnamon spiced…